Conversion tracking with no code?

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New Member
Hi Everyone,

I am in the process of taking over the management of a clients Adwords account. I have noticed some conversion data in the account, however upon speaking with the IT manager it appears he was unaware of any conversion tracking taking place.

Unfortunately for the moment the account is a bit of a mess. One account is being used for about 4 websites. As part of taking over the account I will be splitting it into 4 accounts one for each site.

However according to the guys who manage the websites none include the conversion tracking code anywhere on these websites? Google seems to be recording conversions however.

One thing I'm not yet familiar with is PPA (Pay Per Acquisition). I have noticed the account has access to the BETA program and therefore the conversion tracking part of the adwords account has changed from what I am used to.

From what I can tell the PPA conversion code has not been implemented or set up.

Finally what makes this so strange is that I am getting conversions not only 1 website but 2 of the websites.

The only possibility I can think of is that all sites provide banner advertising which is handled by 1 server. Is it possible the banner management software is causing these results?
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