How to Identify and Remove Bot Traffic in Google Analytics?

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New Member
Hello SEO experts,

Whenever I check Google analytics for tracing my website traffic I see direct traffic with 100% bounce rate I think it is all fake or bot traffic, please help me to Identify and Remove Bot Traffic in Google Analytics..


New Member
To filter bot and spider traffic from Google Analytics, go to your Admin settings. Under the View panel, you'll find View Settings. Toward the bottom of the options, just before Site Search Settings, you'll find a small heading for Bot Filtering with a checkbox that reads: Exclude all hits from knownbots and spiders


Google Analytics is probably one of your favorite tools for analyzing and understanding traffic to your site. And since your online marketing and business decisions are only as good as your data, you know that it’s essential to keep your Google Analytics reports as clean and accurate as possible.
Most of the time, bot traffic in our analytics data gets a bad name. We think of it as spam, and we don’t want this data anywhere near our reports.
Sure, there are spam bots sending hits to our analytics data. But there are also good bots. Or at least bots that we want to visit our websites, for testing, diagnostics, and even monitoring SEO results. Because Bots are not real users, and they don’t perform like humans. Heavy bot traffic (5% of sessions or more) can skew our data and pollute our analytics.
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