.htaccess woes ... :) ( problem with IndexOptions )

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Teaching / Designing / Developing
Hi Guys,

Hopefully a quick one that I'm just not seeing and it isn't something that has just been left out for some rather silly reason

I want to exclude . .. from fancyindexes in a folder ... no major problem there

IndexIgnore . ..

My issue is I want sub folders to be able to include .. and I can't seem to figure it out.

Any ideas? :)



Staff member
Did you ask one of your colleagues? *cough*


New Member
Good news - you're not missing something stupid.

Bad news, I don't think you can, short of putting an overriding .htaccess in each of the subfolders.
But I don't know if you can override IndexIgnore - try Options -Indexes in the parent, and Options +Indexes in each subfolder
Re. Can htaccess restore default indexing PHP Server Side Scripting forum at WebmasterWorld

Or depending what you're trying to do, a bit of a workaround
How to apply htaccess to a folder but not subfolders - Programming - Applications


Teaching / Designing / Developing
Good news - you're not missing something stupid.

Cheers for the linkage ... I've already come up with an alternative solution but would have preferred not to have to ... if I really wanted I could chop out the first /FOLDER/.. with a bit of jquery but it's not what I wanted to have to do ah well .. I wait for Apache 2.3 which it would seem with have IndexIgnoreReset :)
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