Microsoft pursing Yahoo! with their cheque book

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New Member
The NY Post has the exclusive story this morning: Microsoft has once again approached Yahoo!, asking the Sunnyvale based search portal and content destination to come to the table and negotiate a friendly takeover by Microsoft. The same report values Yahoo! at $50 billion; the interest by Microsoft is said to be serious to the point that world renowned bankers Goldman Sachs are advising Microsoft on the deal.
If the deal comes to fruition, the takeover would be one of the largest corporate takeovers in American corporate history, and likely the largest ever in the Tech sector.

Microsoft pursues Yahoo! takeover

Why did MS plough so much money into MSN and Live if they are attempting to take over Yahoo?


New Member
lives is pretty terrible looking, it trys to be clever, live spaces, and search, but its clunky, maybe they decided a take over would be much better


New Member
The takeover is the only way Google will get any sort of competition TBH. Google is getting just a little too ubiquitous.


New Member
I've been hearing about a possible takeover of Yahoo! by microsoft for years now, I'm more shocked that they didn't do it sooner.

Yahoo! already has a huge market in terms of search traffic - so I agree that it's the only way there could possibly be competition for Google in the near future....
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