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New Member
i have very little experience with advertising on websites but i was asked recently for advice re selling adds on a website - the owners were set on the idea of selling add space to individual businesses - my initial reaction was that organising a pay per click deal with somebody like google or a company who deals in banner advertsing would be easier to manage and perhaps generate more revenue in the long run
am i wrong ?


Staff member
A lot would depend on the site's level of traffic etc.,

You could use Adsense, which won't cost you anything to get started, and then look at selling banner space as well.

However I suspect a lot of people are spending more on Adwords etc., rather than banners unless the site's niche is particularly focussed


New Member
there should be a steady ammount of traffic but i doubt if it will ever be that big - sort of a community site - really though my question is .... wouldnt they be better off selling space to someone like advertise ireland and letting them resell it for them rather than selling it door to door themselves in the area ? what's the norm ?


New Member
I think it depends on a few things really. Is the traffic going to be targetted traffic and what niche is it in? If its targetted and genuine then I would go with selling ads directly. There are any number of people out there now willing to work on a commission basis. However banner ads I feel are almost a thing of the past so you would need to show potential advertisers some real benefits of displaying their wares on the site over a competitors. If you for example rank well for a variety of related terms on Google this should whet the appetite. On the negative side a huge number of companies simply are unwilling to fork out any money no matter how little or whats on offer.
I am a site owner, from my point of view the banner advertisement is better. But PPc is always better to have new customer and more reliable to have enhanced sales.


New Member
PPC and regular banner selling have different money-making strategy. Lets say, if you have numerous followers in your blog then both of these can be applied. However, for me, it's better to have the regular banner selling instead.
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