Suckerfish menus

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New Member
Using suckerfish dropdowns for a site I am working on - however in IE, when you navigate through the menu, when you get to a certain link - and the subsequent page loads - the menu disappears in IE...and I am stumped

Before I post code - has anyone come across this before or even know of a solution.

I have already tried what was suggested here
Dropdown menu disappearing in IE

but it has not resolved the problem


New Member
When you eventually get to

If it does, anyone got any idea why?

I had a look in IE6 and it seems that all the menu on all pages off the front page disappear when you navigate to them.

I can't see why that happens but there are a couple of css errors though which may contribute.

1. In the (#nav li a) css style the background-repeat is set as "no repeat"
it should be "no-repeat"

2. between "form" style and "content.maintext" there are two closing tags }

Don't know if they are the cause but I will take a look at it in the morning again.


New Member
If you visit the website, and scroll down the page, when you move your mouse over the links on the left - the entire menu fly at the top of the page.


New Member
plus after some digging in the code (for the 12,000,000th time) the problem is that suckerfish menus dont like being trapped within varying divs

time to rebuild :)
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