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Ronan O'F

New Member

I run my own Star Trek web site, the United Federation of Planets, I am looking to convert the design over to a CSS layout... but I have no idea how to do this!!!

Would someone be willing to help me convert my design over? I am doing this becuase I am starting the episode guides, and there are over 600 star trek episodes, and I dont want to have to convert the design of each page if and when I want to change the design in the future.

Can anyone help?


Deleted member 444

Ah it's a long road.
I'd say look at a bunch of CSS tutorials, start out with a few basic test pages and see if you can re-create what you have now without using tables or font tags.
The more design-elements you can pass off to an external stylesheet, the more control it'll have and the less work you'll have to do if you ever want to change your site.
It's a bit of a nasty learning curve though.


New Member
there are over 600 star trek episodes, and I dont want to have to convert the design of each page if and when I want to change the design in the future.


have you not used a template and included the content inside it [via a database or a simple include]?

even if you css it up - if you haven't used a template you are still going to have to edit 600 pages [OUCH!]

Presumably you are willing to pay someone to do the css template? or do you expect someone to do this for nowt?

My recommendation is that you have a go at css, and post any problems you have here - I am sure we will give you a hand - but there is no danger you will get a freebie. People are generally very generous with their time here though if they feel you are trying!

I hope you get something sorted either way - and I wish you the best of luck with your site! :)


New Member
This is a pretty ambitious undertaking and would depend on your understanding of CSS. In a very very basic nutshell, you would want to create includes for your header, left nav bar and footer. Since your site is center-aligned on the page you would have to create a DIV to encase the whole thing (most commonly identified with a CSS class called "container") and then build your other elements within it. You would then align the elements on the page using DIV tags and the FLOAT command to make them appear in the proper place. Getting the hang of this is tricky. After you get the basics, you can get in to issues of Jello (expanding and contracting to certain widths using min and max widths, etc) vs. solid vs. liquid layouts and other more complicated styling arrangements. A great place to start if you're interested in a feet-first do-it-yourself approach to modern CSS is to check out css Zen Garden: The Beauty in CSS Design and poke around in some of the code you find there. It may be worth your while to pay a coder to do it or take some classes if you have them available in your area.

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