easily integrated gallery

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wheres me jumpa

New Member
Im developing a website for a painter. She wants to be able to upload and display paintings on the site. Currently looking into writing this myself. However if someone could recommend a gallery that can be easily customised to the sites design I might go that route.

Ive used Coppermine before and I think its too complex for what she needs and too complex for me to customise. Ive used other galleries too, im just looking for recommendations.




New Member
simple task. create a database table to hold the path to the images. give the option to upload images on the server and create thumbnails.
Use lightbox.js for a nice pop-up style and voilà 100% satisfaction.

wheres me jumpa

New Member
Yeah Ive a simple DB up at the moment and Im pulling back say the titles and description of the paintings. Displaying is not a problem, its the more the uploading, it would have to be highly user friendly as the user has little computer experience.


New Member
They can handle a form with a browse button. If not send them to learn ECDL.

All you have to do is make the code to upload the images. Lots of examples around in php.
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