email subject

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New Member
Hi all

I was wondering if someone could help me with this. I have a php form script that handles the contact form on a website i have. The problem i have is that in my script the email subject is like this

$emailSubject = 'Contact Form';

Which means ( as i found out the annoying way ) that no matter who sends an email or how many is sent to me they all have the same thing in the subject field "Contact Form" , Everything else is fine Name etc.
On the form, i have a drop down list that people can choose what the reason for their email is ( info, help, about, other etc. ) , so what i was wondering, instead of having "Contact Form" appear in the subject field that arrives in my emails ( gmail ) can i get the whatever topic they choose from the list to appear in the subject field of my emails ( it would make life so much easier ) , and if i can could anyone tell me the code i'd need to change. I presume it's not as simple as changing

$emailSubject = 'Contact Form';
$emailSubject = 'list';

I would be really thankful for any help with this.



New Member
you can grab the value of the select menu in your form and attache it to the subject line:
$emailSubject = 'Contact Form'.(!empty($_POST['select_name']) ? " ". $_POST['select_name'] : "");
so that will show now as "Contact Form [Help, Info, or About]


New Member
Just to add to louie's solution, you should also take care to prevent possible email header injection which can lead to your form being used as a mailer for spam bots etc...

function sanitize( $subject ) {
   return( str_ireplace(array(  "Content-Type:","to:","cc:", "bcc:", "\n", "\r", "%0d", "%0a"), "", $subject) );

$subject = sanitize($_POST['select_name']);

$emailSubject = 'Contact Form'.(!empty($subject) ? " ". $subject : "");
if you are using php less than php5, you'll have to use something like preg_replace as str_ireplace is a php5 only function, but lets hope you have php5 and I don't have to explain preg_repalce to you!


New Member
Louie and php.allstar

You guys are legends, thanks a million for your help, it works like a charm now.

All the best

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