Facebook Places + Facebook Pages

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Staff member
Hopefully someone on here will know the answer to this :)

If you create a "place" on Facebook's places it ends up with a name attached to it.

You can claim it:

View attachment 350

But this will create a new page .. surely (I hope!) there is some way to link an existing page to a location / place? Or vice-versa?

Anyone know??


New Member
It's not as intuitive as it should be.

AFAIK (I've not physically done it, so open to correction here), claiming ownership of the 'place' will convert it into a 'places page' which you can control/manage. Once you have ownership, you can then merge the 'places page' with an existing 'business page' (an option to 'merge' will appear on the left hand menu of the places page).

(You do lose some minor functionality with a merge [iirc the ability to set a default landing tab is the only noticeable impact], but it also adds functionality so probably a fair trade off for many [you do retain more important things, like merging the places page likes with the business page likes]. You can also only link a business page to a single 'place', so if it's a business that has multiple relevant locations it's [probably] better to manage the place pages separate to the business page)


Staff member
I went through the process as a test the other day, though I actually haven't completed it yet

They manually verify that you are the business / place owner (or their authorised representative)


New Member
Yeah, the check-in page created by a checkin looks like a "local business page" but has GPS locations attached.

The verification process - you have to add a secondary e-mail to your own FB account which "matches" the business page you're trying to claim or submit a scan of a business registration document/proof of
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