Irish Internet Association

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Teaching / Designing / Developing
Networking / Conferences / Discounts ...

If you're not attending events then I don't really see the point ... I think you'd have to attend at least 4 events for membership fees to break even. As they aren't that active in galway I don't see much point for myself at the moment.

Also I love their website still
Irish Internet Association - Events and the fact that they use w3c banners yet doesn't validate :D I mean if you're going to be the "body" ?? claiming to be some kinda Irish Authority ? at least you can validate ? :D


New Member
It's not the only thing I noticed - on the about us page the text is repeated... Kinda odd, a bad day at the office I suppose, I've had them.


Staff member
We've been members for several years... It's what you make of it to be honest ..
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