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Mr Me

New Member

Great site!
Could someone please explain how to use/maximise Facebook for business?
I went to a "Blog for Business" seminar recently and noticed all ages/business which are doing it.. It seems pretty standard and basic.. I would prefer to be able to customise the interface etc but obviously its not doable..

Any tips on getting started would be greatly appreciated!

Cheers! ;)


New Member
It's easy to create the page and you can customise it somewhat. But do you really want to customise it?

Most facebook users are happy to become fans of business pages, because most don't look like blatant advertising. There's a fine line between looking like an advertisement and just being a fan page where you can interact with your favourite brand.

The next thing you got to think about is how you are going to engage with your fans. What type of content are you going to provide them with? Business to consumer businesses will find it a little easier to engage than business to business businesses.

I personally like Blacknights fan page - they are open, seem down to earth and every now and again have simple competitions giving away free t-shirts etc.

Facebook business pages are a very new tool in terms of marketing your business. So I suggest thinking long and hard about how you are going to use it to get the best return from it. I don't think it's a simple case of "tips and tricks" at the moment. But if I had to sum some up, here would be mine.

1. Clearly understand your audience and why they would become a fan of your business page.

2. Give them something back - whether that be a competition or even photos of the staff.

3. Link it with Twitter - when you post on your facebook business page, you can automatically post to twitter too - handy way for you do do your promotions in one place.

Other than that - I'd spend a lot of time thinking about what you are going to do with the page and how to maximise your return.

Mr Me

New Member

Thanks guys.. been away for a bit.. really looking forward to using it.. still studying the best way to interact..

Thanks again ;)


New Member
Majority of Facebook users are on the site for fun and personal connections... not business. So make it fun and entertaining and build it into a social experience and add valuable free information to keep visitors coming back to your page.

If you're serious about social marketing for business a better option might be
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