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New Member
Hi Cormac,

Just a single lowly opinion on a few things on your site but you might find them helpful...

The overall design is thorough, clean and for the most part, easy to navigate. The only thing I would personally change on the navigation (as it is quite comprehensive) would be to identify a 'current' css value for whichever page is currently displayed so the user can quickly identify their location on site.

Secondly, you might consider changing the italic text in the header- it is somewhat hard to read and a little distracting on the eye in all browsers where I viewed the site (firefox, chrome, ie, opera, safari). In this header I would personally put a little more thought into the look of the site title (Urban Chicken Coops). Perhaps make it larger or just a touch more design based rather than plain text- maybe even just play around with the font a bit more to get some ideas.

Like I said, these are just my opinions to be taken or ignored and wish you all the best with your site!

Hi Ann...

Thanks for your review :) I appreciate your time and effort and your single "lowly opinion" is- I assure you, far from that...

The point re showing what the current page is via css in the menu, is quite valid... nice one... and I'll redo the header to remove the italic text style, it is a bit hard to read... also, thanks for your thoughts about the title... I'll redo that too...

So, three great tips offered and accepted :)

Thanks again Ann... I'll keep my eye out for you on Irish SEO and I owe you one, or three :)


New Member
Thanks for the welcome Cormac and I'm glad my post gave you some new ideas from the site. If you need anything else looked at just let me know and look forward to seeing you around here too :)



New Member
Header is too big and there's uncessary space above it.

Homepage is too big. Concentrate on selling your main products there.

FAQ's: back to top goes after the answer not before.

You're not selling on the therapeutic pluses of keeping hens afaics and the economic advantages.

You have Gift Certs, Pay Balance, Deposit, Purchase in the main menu. Try to group these under Shop. Also imo your product ranges aren't well defined - I can't see any list of them. You vaguely say something on the Pay Balance page, but I can't see enough of what you get. Pricing info is lacking and where mentioned is buried - this is a major factor for people trying to make a purchase decision so should be prominent. A better product grouping also enables other parts of the site to better use calls to action (Buy Now!) to the products, hence closer to making the sale.

In other words get back to your 4 p's of marketing.

Dump the W3C links at the bottom - they're only relevant to developers.

Put a sitemap on your 404 page.

Thanks Tricky D....

The site is currently being re-written and I appreciate your input :)
Thanks for your many valid observations, I do take note...

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