website review needed prior to launch

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New Member
Hey guys been awhile since i posted anything -would like some feedback on new website all crit welcome Karl Herbert Golf Pro | Golf Instructor | Grange Driving Range Golf Instructor | Golf Instructor Malahide

Not sure if it needs more images or not thought the layout worked well for the info but too close to it now to see if its good or bad. Please let me know good or bad bits.

Its is blocking search indexs at the min so its just raw reviews im looking for

Will put it through the validator today also
Cheers B


New Member
Cheers for pointing that out - will resolve shortly and will run a spell check on all the site - from a design point of view layour - what you think? There brochures were dark and gold so went with this as the main theme??




New Member
think there maybe a few broken links in there ok as its only been moved off the local test enviro

- pics he has asked for new pics so these will come was thinking more of showing movement but can be quite hard to catch on.
- prices i wasnt sure of - its on wordpress so he can make the changes he wants later
- center image - didnt notice that will try replciated it and alter the css.

Thanks for the input


New Member
Not sure if it's deliberate, but the dropdown parts of the menu overlap the main menu bar, instead of being below it (on Chrome anyway)


New Member
This is due to the css hover required for the sub menus to show - i usually set the top margin to -1.-2 just to ensure the hover works - would you recommend a different way? maybe set the first child element with a top margin? Have tried jquery slide but didnt like the result? Thanks for thr feedback though - im going to work on it tonight and will try improve the sub menu style.


New Member
If you set the ul {top:50px} instead of 41, and get rid of the {margin-left: 2px} on li ul li a, the submenu will sit just below the main menu without affecting the hover.
Depends what way you want it though.


New Member
Its quite nice - I like the fonts. Well done!

Some things I dont like:

Overall - text size seems small - I'd bump it up a size

"Phone:" - with the mobile, it just makes the client look a little amateur (I mean this positively) - I'd suggest an icon

PGA Golf instructor - not instructor of Golf (I'm a little sketchy if I'm wrong - instructor of Golf sounds very Victorian (old))

The animation is too fast - I'd suggest fading it to give the brain more time to read - I'll slow it right down. There's no need to be fast.
Also, elements within it should be clickable. I should be able to click on the voucher when I see it.

I remember attending a Usability conference years ago - nobody thought drop down menus were fantastic and that was before smart phones!

I'd suggest having the links outside the drop down menu if you can!

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